Pineapple fruit was named this name for its similarity to pine cone, and there are more than 100 types of pine, but only eight of them are cultivated for the purpose of trade, and pineapple is used since ancient times in home remedies for digestive problems and inflammation, and it is worth mentioning that Christopher Columbus brought pineapple with him to Europe upon his return from a campaign His exploration of South America, and that fruit then became an exotic and expensive fruit , which was served in huge banquets, but today it is found in any grocery store, and in many homes around the world.
Pineapple benefits
Pineapple has many benefits, the most important of which are the following:
- Prevention of asthma : Foods containing beta-carotene, such as pineapple, reduce the risk of developing asthma for those who consume it in large quantities.
- Reducing high blood pressure : Increasing the intake of vegetables and fruits that contain large quantities of potassium helps reduce high blood pressure, and it is worth noting that the intake of large amounts of calcium is associated with a 20% lower risk of death from any cause.
- Cancer prevention: Pineapple is a rich source of strong antioxidant vitamin C, and as a result contributes to preventing free radicals that cause cancer, and it also plays a role in preventing prostate cancer, as it contains beta-carotene. Also.
- Promote healthy digestive system: Pineapple, which contains a large amount of water and fiber, prevents constipation and promotes healthy digestive system.
- Improving fertility: Free radicals can harm the reproductive system, so an antioxidant-rich diet improves fertility, and foods rich in antioxidants such as pineapple are usually recommended for those trying to conceive.
- Reducing sugar levels : Studies have indicated that people with type 1 diabetes who follow a healthy diet rich in fiber have low levels of blood sugar , while levels of sugar, fat, and insulin in the blood of people with type 2 diabetes may follow when they follow that system. , One medium pineapple provides about 13 grams, while The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommend eating 21-25 grams of fiber for women, and 30-38 grams for men.
- Heart Health: supports both vitamin C , fiber, and potassium found in pineapple heart health.
- Skin health: Vitamin C protects the skin from sun damage , pollution, reduces the appearance of wrinkles , and has a major role in collagen production, which is very important for skin health.
- Osteoarthritis: Some studies indicate that pineapple can contribute to the treatment of degenerative arthritis, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties.
- Immune system strengthening: A study conducted in the Philippines to examine the effect of pineapple on school-age children found that children who consumed canned pineapples daily had less viral and bacterial infections than those who did not take them, and that their recovery from the disease was faster.
The nutritional value of pineapple
Two slices of pineapple, weighing 112 grams, contain the following:
The nutritional component | The value |
Calories | 50 calories |
Sodium | 10 mg |
Potassium | 120 mg |
Carbohydrates | 13 g |
The fibers | 1 g |
Sugar | 10 g |
Vitamin C | 50% of the recommended daily value |
Pineapple is a good source of thiamin, riboflavin, folate, magnesium , manganese, and beta-carotene, and it is also the only known source of a prolamine enzyme (English: Bromelain). ), Which may relieve joint pain and inflammation, reduce inflammation, also inhibit the growth of tumors, and speed up the healing process after surgery.
Pineapple allergy
Pineapple Allergy can affect some people, as it results in an allergic reaction when eating a small amount of pineapple, drinking its juice, or even touching it, and although the sensitivity of fruits, including pineapple, is rare, Serious if any, and symptoms may develop either immediately after eating or touching the fruit, or it may take several hours. Symptoms include itching, and a rash that can appear in one place in the body, or several places, and symptoms in the digestive system may appear as pain in Stomach, vomiting, and diarrhea.
A person is vulnerable to possessing pineapple allergy if one of his relatives, including his parents, siblings, and grandparents, owns it, and this matter must be taken into account when feeding children new food, so beware of feeding a pineapple child, for example if one of his relatives possesses sensitivity.
Fresh and canned pineapple
The difference between fresh and canned pineapple is that sugar is often added to canned pineapples, as canned fruits generally contain high amounts of sugar, so canned pineapple free of sugar and filtered before eating, and frozen pineapple is just a raw pineapple that can Use it to make juices.
Some warnings
You should eat moderate amounts of foods rich in potassium such as pineapple, while continuing to take beta blockers, which are medications that are used to treat heart diseases , because high potassium levels harm people whose kidneys do not work optimally, and it may become fatal if you cannot Kidney get rid of excess potassium in the blood.
People with esophageal reflux disease may suffer from symptoms such as heart burn, and reflux when eating acidic foods such as pineapple, but the response varies from person to person.
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