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The benefits and harms of pepper



    Pepper is known as one of the types of vegetables that belong to the family of nightshade. It is distinguished by its spicy taste. It is also used to spice and flavor many foods. It is rich in nutrients such as: Vitamin C, carotene, iron, and magnesium. Learn about the most prominent in this article.  

The benefits of pepper 

  • It reduces the possibility of developing cancer because it works to fight and eliminate cancer cells. 
  • Regulates blood sugar. 
  • Regulates digestion. 
  • It stimulates blood circulation activity and prevents heart attacks. 
  • Opens appetite, and at the same time helps to burn fat and calories. 
  • It eliminates bacteria in the stomach, which causes heartburn and acidity, and increases the risk of stomach cancer, or ulcers. 
  • Reduces the risk of vascular disease, as it reduces the level of triglycerides and cholesterol in the blood. 
  • Reduces sinus congestion and inflammation, as it has anti-bacterial properties. Relieves pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis. 
  • It works as an antibiotic, especially if garlic is ingested, as its effect becomes similar to that of penicillin. 
  • It revitalizes the cells of the body, relieves feelings of fatigue and exhaustion, as it revitalizes the body and relieves symptoms of sadness and depression. 
  • Healing wounds accelerate. 
  • Treats migraines. 

Pepper damages 

    Although pepper has distinctive benefits for the body, but it has harmful effects that may negatively affect the health of the body, so it is recommended to consume it in moderate quantities, and not to overindulge it. The most prominent disadvantages include the following:

  •  Eating too much pepper leads to hemorrhoids, which is an unpleasant skin disease. It may cause digestive problems, especially the stomach. 
  • Sensitive skin and eyes if in direct contact with it.

Use pepper to prevent hair loss 

    Pepper is used in preparing many recipes to apply to the scalp and benefit from it in intensifying hair and preventing hair loss. The following recipes are among the most famous 

  • We mix an equal amount of castor oil and olive oil and heat the mixture, then put pieces of pepper in the mixture, cover it and leave it for four days, then massage it into the scalp and cover it with a nylon bag and wrap it with a towel drenched in hot water, and leave it for an hour and whenever the temperature of the towel becomes less A second hot. 
  • We prepare ten centuries of pepper and wash it well, then explain the sides and put it in a lockable jar with submerged in olive oil, and after we close the jar we wrap it with a black nylon bag and put it in a place that does not reach direct sunlight, and leave it for 21 days, then we use the oil in Rub the scalp and leave it for an hour, after that we wash it well with water and shampoo, and to get the desired results this recipe should be repeated three times per week.


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