The apple fruit originates from Central Asia but grows all over the world, which is the fruit of the apple tree (Malus domestica), and it is one of the most popular types of fruit in the world, and it is worth noting that there are many different types of apples that vary in colors and sizes. In addition to that it has multiple health benefits; it is distinguished by its low calorie content, rich in vitamin C , antioxidants, as well as dietary fiber, and it has a delicious taste, and is usually eaten raw, or in the form of juices and drinks, as it is used in multiple types It is a nutritional recipe, It should be noted that consumption of apple seeds should be avoided because it contains a substance called cyanide, which is a substance that causes poisoning, so eating many of it may be fatal.
Apples benefits
Apples offer many health benefits, and is considered one of the most healthy foods that can be included in the daily diet, and these include:
Enhances bone health: The researchers believe that the anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds present in fruits, especially apples, help to enhance bone strength and density. In a study conducted on a group of women, they found that women who consumed apples in any form, whether they were juice, or fresh, lost Less calcium from their bodies compared to the other group.
It helps to prevent breast cancer: According to a series of studies that were conducted, the researchers pointed out that the presence of phenols present in vegetables and fruits, including apples, brings multiple health benefits to the body, and that eating an apple daily may help prevent breast cancer .
Reduces the level of harmful cholesterol: A study was conducted on women who consumed apples on a daily basis for 6 months. They had a bad cholesterol level by 23%, in addition to a high level of good cholesterol by 4%.
Reduces the risk of developing diabetes: As apples contain polyphénols that help protect beta cells (the English: Beta cells) responsible for insulin secretion from the pancreas , they are usually damaged in patients with type II diabetes, and in addition to this one has proven Studies show that eating apples daily or some during the week reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 28% compared to people who did not eat apples.
It promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria: these bacteria are found in the intestine, which feeds on pectin, which is a type of fiber found in apples, and this may be a reason to make apples have a positive effect in reducing the risk of obesity, and type II diabetes, in addition To heart disease.
It helps to lose weight: as apples contain a high amount of water and fiber return to feeling full faster. According to a study of 50 women who were overweight, apples were added to their diet for 10 weeks, and a weight loss rate of one kilogram was observed, As well as a lower consumption in the amount of calories. A study also found that people who eat apples before meals consume less than 200 calories.
Reduces the risk of heart disease : Flavonoïds may help contain apples by 20%, according to one study, and reduce blood pressure and harmful cholesterol levels. It should be noted that dissolved fibers The water in apples also plays a role in helping to lower blood cholesterol.
Helps combat asthma: As apples contain antioxidants in a large amount that help protect the lung from damage caused by oxidation processes, eating 15% of a large apple on a daily basis was associated with a 10% decrease in the risk of asthma , according to a large study conducted on more than 68,000 women, in addition, the apple peel contains a type of flavonoïds called Quercetin, which helps reduce inflammation and regulate immunity .
Protects the lining of the stomach: Chloro-genic acid and the Catechin compound in apples may help reduce injuries to the lining of the stomach as a result of taking anti-inflammatory medications called non steroidal anti-inflammatory medicine
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